Anybody have a good PDF for Player Aids?
I have a few different sheets for my players, but I’m trying to find one that has all this information that can go on the front and back of one sheet for less clutter:
* Basic Moves
* Special Action Moves
* Weapon Tags
* Weapon Range Tags
* Armor Tags
* Equipment Tags
You can try
The Minimalist playbooks are great and have all the basic moves. (Link below.) Not sure why you need all the tag info, they are pretty self-explanatory (and not always explained in the text anyway). I made my own GM sheet to match the minimal playbooks, but I ended up rarely if ever using it, outside of the random treasure table. But I’ll link you to it in a second post below in a minute anyway.
DM’s Playbook (fold like a book)
Spec Moves in a Minimalist Look
Oh. I just noticed I made a one-shot guide based on (mostly stolen from) John Aegard’s genius on the subject. It’s the second page of the above-linked DM’s Playbook.