Lots of podcasts being shared lately. Anyone care for another transcribed episode of one of my home campaigns? There are some adapted Vornheim spoilers at present.
https://havenshine.obsidianportal.com/adventure-log/the-hand-of-fateLots of podcasts being shared lately.
Lots of podcasts being shared lately.
great page, but how did you created such good maps for campaing, i`d like to create same stuff for my and cant find correct tools. Could you share some advice?
Vasil Khizniak I will try to find the link for you, I think David Black was the one who created the Mike Schley -style Photoshop template that consistently rocks my world.
Vasil Khizniak http://dngnsndrgns.blogspot.co.uk/2013/07/4e-map-template.html?m=1
All credit goes to Mike – i just ripped him off.