Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…

It should now roll 3d6 in order, roll 1d12 for heritage and alignment, pick suitable attributes to increase, roll hp, determine HD type. This uses the front page of the Freeboter sheets by Maezar…  It’s still a bit in flux, but I’m hoping to hear back from Maezar and see whether this is all OK, in terms of license to use the character sheet. Currently this is just a proof of concept…

10 thoughts on “Slowly working on this random Freebooters generator…”

  1. Love it. Here are some suggestions (since it’s all random anyway) 1: Move the highest of the seven scores to the “Prime Requisite” and then place the others in the order they were rolled. 2) If the character has three scores below eight and no score over 14, scrap it and re-roll.

  2. Added names, appearance and traits from the book. Sadly, I’m not sure how to reconcile appearance and the portraits my generator produces and thus I have opted for user choice:

    Use random appearance table and no portrait pic:

    Skip appearance and use portrait pic instead:

    (This is the default.)

    I guess somebody could go through the face elements and classify them so that we could generate a plausible textual description of them? OMG, that would be so much work. But perhaps the result would be uncannily wonderful?

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