Any hints, tips advice on converting LotFP scenarios to DW. My biggest worry is the number of save vs death things there are. Obviously this wouldn’t go down well in DW (unless heroic or tragic in circumstance) I know Jason Cordova (not sure if he’s a community member) has managed it so it’s possible… Any help appreciated!
Any hints, tips advice on converting LotFP scenarios to DW.
Any hints, tips advice on converting LotFP scenarios to DW.
Maybe World of Dungeons would be a better starting point? Not sure how helpful that is, but hyper lethal and horrifying seems more WoD-ish than DW-ish.
I’ve also heard tell of getting rid of hit points for PCs. If a monster would damage you, take a debility instead. That might be a decent midway point between DW’s heroic fantasy and LotFP’s grimmer take.
There’s an excellent series of applicable articles on the subject of using “deathtrap dungeons” in DW to be found here:
Using DW for this kind of romp is an adjustment to be sure, but I find it works surprisingly well once you’ve got your expectations aligned with the kind of tragicomic tone that comes with the level of potential lethality. I say potential because there’s no guarantee your players won’t figure out a clever way of coming out without a scratch and with sacks full of loot. Which is the whole idea really.
As for “Save or Die” style rolls, just remember to give them every available opportunity to figure out the incoming badness and avoid triggering it; if after that they still do, it’s on them.
I just came here to wave the #IronTrident in response to the link to Sersa’s articles…
Are you trying to convert the content or the “feel” of LotFP? If the former, use the standard method of throwing out anything mechanical and just using the framework. Save or die doesn’t matter – just tell the PCs what is happening. If you are trying to reproduce the feel, yeah, good luck, try the suggestions from the other folks here.
The key to capturing the feel of the modules is to write good Adventure Fronts and custom moves. Most modules (and not just the LotFP ones) can be interpreted as a series of Threats on an Adventure Front. Many OSR modules straight-up have countdown devices in the dungeon, which are very easy to turn into a series of Grim Portents. I mean, what is a LotFP module if not a series of events that remind the players how bad/dire their situation is becoming? That’s exactly what Grim Portents are, too.
Custom moves are also going to do a lot of the heavy lifting here. A module is going to have specific, defining events/traps/encounters that aren’t covered easily by any of the existing moves. A good custom move is going to let you translate that stuff to DW while keeping (and often enhancing) the feel of the original module.
As for the inherent deadliness of LotFP modules and all their Save Vs. Death stuff, I wouldn’t worry about that aspect of it too much. Do right by your Adventure Fronts and your custom moves, and the tone takes care of itself. Also, feel free to make it deadly. Sure, DW has a more heroic bent to it, but that’s only if you choose to play it that way. The game works fine in a darker, more dangerous mode.
Bastien Pilon really useful site link thanks. Sadly some of the Save or Dies are pretty difficult to foreshadow if they are dumb enough.
Jason Cordova appreciate the insight don’t suppose you have any custom moves you created for DFD you’d be willing to share? Even if it’s to give me an idea how it’s done. I’ve largely avoided them until now… Perhaps they’re easier than I think.
Eadwin Tomlinson I can share my whole DFD conversion if you want. There is a lot of stuff added-in and taken out in order to have it fit my larger campaign, but you still might find it useful. Send me your email via Hangouts.
Jason Cordova = Hero of Legend
Eadwin Tomlinson Bastien Pilon Matt Horam I second the #irontrident and suggest you check out Fortress of the Ur-Mage, a DW deathtrap dungeon. It really has some great and innovative ways to use the save or die that dont come off as gimmicky or cheap.
And its on sale!
Eadwin Tomlinson Wouldn’t mind a looksey at that myself. Email sent.
Brandon Reinert FotUM is a great example of this style of play.
The Fortune Tellers Guide to Deathtrap Dungeon Design might be a good source for getting a sense of this sort of play.
You got a link for that Brandon Reinert?
Eadwin Tomlinson
Eadwin Tomlinson Jason Cordova That’s DfD sorted out for Indiecon in November.