So I’ve been looking into ways to sell the rest of the physical copies from the print run. Gumroad, Paypal Payments, etc.
I’m wondering if I can just pin a post to this Community with complete payment/shipping details and my email address for people to Paypal me funds directly. It seems like the most direct route. Anyone care to disabuse me of this notion?
We’re talking 150-250 copies of each of the print books, not a lot of inventory.
Well, I’d like to buy another copy!
That seems reasonable. You’ll have to be a strict bookkeeper if you plan to maintain any sort of tax accountability but it’s certainly doable. I used to run my old record label that way. Time consuming but more money in you pocket at the end of the project.
I wouldn’t mind a hardcopy of Freebooters, so it works for me.
You’re just trying to solve the storefront problem, not the shipping, is that right? (Andy Action warehouses and fulfills the Burning Wheel gang’s stuff, plus a recent announcement of the products of a few writers they know well like TBZ and Lacuna.)
Yeah, these numbers are small enough that I can handle the shipping myself. Fulfillment might be an issue for projects down the line, though.
That would work for me, I’d be excited to get the books.
Any copies of FunnelWorld or Servants of the Cinder Queen?
Max Perman, I will have to check, might have a handful of SotCQ, but I’m pretty sure the FW well has run dry.
I’d be in for Cinder Queen as well!
I missed the KS and would definitely want a copy or two of PW
I like the idea; would buy a copy of each
I would be interested in purchasing physical copies and would buy at least one copy of each.
Great news, I will order copies of all the printed material.
I’d be interested in another copy. Also if a SotCQ can be scrounged up…
I’d probably take several copies to give out as gifts.