I think this would be sweet to run with DW. I think ill start stating up the threats in DW. For those who like dungeons on the dark and weird side.
Originally shared by Samwise Seven RPG
I just put up this twisted little dark fantasy dungeon adventure. It is a pay what you want PDF so you can snag it for free. I also plan on running it with LotFP soon on my YouTube channel. http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/159883/Murcantos-Lair
This is a good gem of a module. I dropped a few bucks on it and it was well worth much more. I hope we can see more from this author. Very easy to run this in any system, especially DW.
Bill Hamilton I agree. I think Samwise Seven RPG did a bang up job. Also looking forward to more.
Thanks guys. Sorry it took so long to reply. I appreciate those few bucks Bill Hamilton. I bought some sweet Empire of the Petal Throne PDFs with the money I got from cool people like you. hehe.
I hope to put out another dungeon level at some point. I paid for some art, but I’ll probably have to do a bunch myself again. The title I’m going with now is Suffering of the Moth Queen.