What other thief-niche classes are out there, or need to be created? I’m looking for playbooks that can fill the role of sneaky trapfinder/lock picker, but are not an obvious variant of the thief.
What other thief-niche classes are out there, or need to be created?
What other thief-niche classes are out there, or need to be created?
Tomb Robber
There is an assassin playbook with a bonus city thief (built after the PC game Thief) playbook included on DTRPG. I highly recommend it.
I’ve been working on a Grave Robber based on the Darkest Dungeon class. Unfortunately it’s not quite ready yet
Tim Franzke Do you have a link?
Wynand Louw Thanks!
I was more talking about the Archetype
Tim Franzke How ’bout good old Indiana Jones ? (only maybe a bit less scrupulous)
He isn’t really the Sneaking and Trapfinding kind of guy though. He is much more of a Swashbuckler then a careful Tomb Robber in that sense.
You can put that class together easily with Class Warfare though Peter J
There is a class based on Indiana Jones called ‘Archeologist’
But I agree, not much of a sneaky type
Repo-man, spy, hacker, stalker
Maybe the street rat? (on dtrpg; shameless plug)