First pass on a new Word Playbook template. Let me know if there are any questions or issues.

First pass on a new Word Playbook template. Let me know if there are any questions or issues.

First pass on a new Word Playbook template. Let me know if there are any questions or issues.

Word Playbook Template v2

This document is mostly comprised of floating text boxes, some of them with embedded tables (to accommodate the check boxes). You will need to download two free fonts to use this – AveriaLibre and Metamorphous  The text box for the Playbook (“Class”) name can be resized as needed. The black bar below the Playbook name can be stretched up or down to resize as needed. Choose and position the correct Damage die icon and the delete the others. The Alignment/Drive header can be edited as needed. Delete the Background or Race header as needed. On the second page you can resize the move text boxes and drag the level 6-10 separation line up or down as needed.

I have not ported over the spell sheet yet.

17 thoughts on “First pass on a new Word Playbook template. Let me know if there are any questions or issues.”

  1. This particular template is designed for Microsoft Word.  You will need to download a copy locally and edit it in Word.  Google Docs doesn’t have the required features to accommodate this type of template.

  2. If you do not have Microsoft office, try downloading Open Office. It’s great, and should be able to edit it. Plus, Open Office is a wonderful bundle of software totally free

  3. I am not sure the template will work correctly in Open Office as it utilizes some very specific Word formatting.  In my port of the original playbook format, I had to create a totally separate Open Office version of the template.

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