Based on some discussion in another thread I made a quick web app to give you a random GM move.

Based on some discussion in another thread I made a quick web app to give you a random GM move.

Based on some discussion in another thread I made a quick web app to give you a random GM move. (It has a “re-roll” button too.) Might make it look nicer later. You could put a link to it on the face of your smartphone and use it at the table.

26 thoughts on “Based on some discussion in another thread I made a quick web app to give you a random GM move.”

  1. Oh, and there is nothing to prevent it from giving you the same option twice in a row. It’s purely random. Sorry. That would take more coding than I have time for this morning.

  2. Great Stuff! Thanks. Can I make one small suggestion though. Some Of The Dungeon Moves are very useful as well, and I sometimes wonder why they are called Dungeon Moves because they are just as useful outside Dungeons as GM Moves.

  3. Good call james day. I’ll add those, probably showing one of each with a “gimme another” at the bottom. (Or should I just mix them in and put a [Dungeon Move] tag on them?)

  4. Never mind about that last question. The answer is Yes. All the links above now go to the newest version and it has the reload at the top. Works better that way because the link doesn’t move on you when the length of the explanatory text changes.

  5. Not really important, but OCD is crying out at me.

    When the DM and Dungeon moves are mixed, it says ‘Your Move is’ for all moves. When the moves are sperate, there is a distinction between ‘Your Move Is’ and ‘Dungeon Move’.

    Again, not important just something I noticed.

    Edit: my mistake. Another look and I noticed the ‘Your GM move is’. That silenced my OCD 🙂

  6. Robert Doe Me too (OCD). I think an older code base said “Your move” and “Your dungeon move” and I caught it, same as you. You probably refreshed the page and got the fix. Still chasing a couple of bugs. Putting up a new one in a sec.

  7. Gak. Links and internet caching is weird. Are you guys seeing a gray background version with a “gimme another” button at the top or the old white-backgrounded version?

  8. Chris Bennett I backed Blades to the hilt but have yet to really look at any of the quickstart rules. Are the GM moves a lot different? Do you want a version tuned to Blades? The only time-suck for me is typing in the move descriptions. Luckily DW has the SRD.

  9. Sophia Brandt​​, during his patches he couldn’t be sure that the changes were taking place due to caches and other unseen bugs. So he just made another fur us to check out. BUT, his previous links did work and they are the exact same thing. 

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