Anyone know the best place to commission an artist for a custom class? I’ve written, playtested & laid out the file, but I could use a snazzy cover.
Anyone know the best place to commission an artist for a custom class?
Anyone know the best place to commission an artist for a custom class?
David Guyll has some nice work, and does commissions.
I’d be happy to chat with you about doing some illustrations. You can see some of my work here:
Misha Polonsky does great work. He did my Prophet cover illustration. You can see it here on the right side:
Paging Patrick Henry Downs who has done some killer playbooks.
Tagging David Guyll again for the reasons previously stated and the fact that he helps out with playbook design itself.
I agree about Misha Polonsky . S Robertson (no relation) does some great work as well.
If you want an AW-style graphic I can do those pretty easily.
I did the covers for the Beast Master, Boy & His Dog, the Dog, Radio, Scholar, both the Shieldbearer covers, the Wolf, and Wrangler playbooks over here –
S Robertson does damn fine work as well.
I would also suggest Emily DeLisle – she did interior artwork for Dungeon World
There are so many ppl I have for this. I seriously need to readjust my circles.
This gentleman over on the Book of Faces does custom art:
If you want something similar to whats in the DW book, I could whip something together. I still work for free at the moment.
AJ Ferguson It helps to remember doing them.
Sure, I’d be up to illustrate a custom class cover.
I have a mix of styles which you can check out here:
Feel free to message me if you’re interested, and we can discuss details.