I’m playing the DM for the first time next weekend with a couple people just so i can get a friend familiar with how these games are played we are both gamers I’ve played D&D long ago me and him are really wanting to get more into these games specially D&D or star wars but I would rather find a DM who’s very familiar with it
I’m playing the DM for the first time next weekend with a couple people just so i can get a friend familiar with how…
I’m playing the DM for the first time next weekend with a couple people just so i can get a friend familiar with how…
Can I ask what you’re asking or saying? I’ve read your post twice and I’m still confused. Is there something you need help with, or are you sharing a concern? 😛
Take -1 ongoing to Punctuation rolls.
I’m sorry for the confusion. I was just trying to find some local players around where I live, that enjoy playing these games. I’m going to DM dungeon world this weekend for my first time, I’m having a hard time coming up with a campaign I guess. I’ve played alot of games before and I have an endless amount of ideas I want to incorporate in the world but does dungeon world have a story to kind of follow like d&d? or is it really up to the DM and your group to make your adventure?
Dungeon World runs with the idea of “Draw maps. Leave Blanks”, and doesn’t generally push completed stories or pre-written adventures. Instead, it creates scenarios for the players and DM to flesh out together. It rewards improv over pre-planning and encourages the DM to react to the players, who are the primary actors.
If you’re looking for star wars: I would suggest checking out star wars world, star wars based off the apocalypse world engine. After my next couple DW campaigns, I definitely want to run a SWW campaign.