I am looking for a Playbook Template to create a new Class. Is there anything out there i can use? My Google-Fu has left me shivering in the cold.
I am looking for a Playbook Template to create a new Class.
I am looking for a Playbook Template to create a new Class.
I’d be interested in this too – in fact I am kind of surprised its not cropped up before given that AW/DW is so hackable and has an active hack community….
Does this one help:
I created the following in MS Word and Open Office.
Open Office: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jBKG-w4xhFdmFqQ2xRS3FRdEk&authuser=0
Word: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jBKG-w4xhFSWpRb042a1RZaTg&authuser=0
Word (without spell sheet): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3jBKG-w4xhFUHE0TmYzcU9pVlk&authuser=0
There is also an Inkscape template floating around.