Only 60min until we start an after work one-off session to playtest a little somethin’
Only 60min until we start an after work one-off session to playtest a little somethin’
Only 60min until we start an after work one-off session to playtest a little somethin’
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Roll +Wis to determine if you are ready:
6-: The GM is unprepared and the whole party takes 1d8 damage before even starting.
7-9: A few rough edges on the adventure, but the GM can adapt.
10+: You’re going to have an awesome time.
Always the Barbarian \m/
Ah Nathan, aren’t you forgetting that it could be that’s the Librarian playbook?
A supple librarian.
Cough Cough… Errrr No. Looks surreptitiously the other way…
Isn’t that the Libarbarian? Like in the comic Barabarian Lord?
The Libertarian?
Libertarian move: “Muh GUNZ!” If someone is trying to take away your weaponry, roll 2d6. On a 12+ Choose two…”