1 weight
The bag can hold any number of items as long as they can fit the opening (about a foot across, 1/2 as wide). Items placed in the bag do not increase its weight, nor is there a limit to how much it can carry. When you attempt to retrieve an item placed in the bag, roll+nothing. On a 10+ you find the item you were looking for. On a 7-9, the item has been somewhat altered, OR you have to take something similar. Choose one and the GM will describe it. On a 6- You’ve pulled out something that had best been left alone.
On vacation with my GF Kim… got inspired by the numerous times I had to fish through her bag…
This gave me great chuckles, I was thinking about my wifes purse when i was reading it.
passports, sunglasses, change, minion of Cthulhu…