In a couple of weeks, Romeo, my bard, will almost certainly level up. Romeo has become the paladin’s squire (sort of). We’re looking for a good squire move for a bard. Thoughts? Suggestions? Thanks!
In a couple of weeks, Romeo, my bard, will almost certainly level up.
In a couple of weeks, Romeo, my bard, will almost certainly level up.
This move is stolen right out of Class Warfare, but re-tooled for your needs:
Consult Squire
When your knight comes to you for advice about something
important, or a difficult problem and you tell them what you honestly think is best, they get +1 forward when following your advice, and you mark XP if they succeed.
I feel like this works for a few reasons; first, it feels like a golfer/caddy relationship a bit, which is a fun dynamic for a knight/squire. Also, it speaks to a bard being a fount of knowledge. It’s also a fun way to get more XP for the Bard, so they’ll perhaps be more inclined to use it
(if it risks having the bard gain too much XP, you could allow them to gain XP from the move only once after the session, like the alignment move)
How about a “I have one Sir” kind of move where you can make a roll to have a piece of equipment that your Knight requires. Costs the PC a point of adventuring gear as you are carrying crap he needs rather than what you need. 10+ costs you 1 point of adventuring gear and you can have anything reasonable that the Knight needs. 9-7 you either don’t quite have what he wants, or it costs double in adventuring gear. on a 6+ you still play the cost but you find a hole in your bag where the item must have fallen out.
I like both of those, especially the first since the bard’s bond with the paladin has to do with teaching the paladin to think before acting.
Oh Paladins. Always rushing in.
Paladins do not rush. They act with conviction.
Right, right, sorry. Righteous cockines… I mean conviction!
Sean Worcester that is more or less already what adventuring gear does. Just say you can pull weapons from AdGear with that move.