so i want to play a warlock and have a question about the minion. what skills can i pick from for it any input will be much accepted
so i want to play a warlock and have a question about the minion.
so i want to play a warlock and have a question about the minion.
what kind of minion do you prefer?
I’m going with a fire elemental type of minion
What’s the boons and the obligations of the contract?
Who is your patron? A demon? A fire lord?
And I for a fire elementals minion maybe I pick this “* Protector +1, Warrior +2, Loyalty +2”
and your GM will ask you some provocative questions about your patron and “your” minion. ^_^
my patron is an infernal prince. as for the boons and such I have not fleshed that out yet
this is very good!!
Your GM will ask you some question, is not only your work. Those details emerges from the imagination of both!
ok thank you so much