For when your players finally push you off the deep edge
For when your players finally push you off the deep edge :P
For when your players finally push you off the deep edge
For when your players finally push you off the deep edge
For when your players finally push you off the deep edge
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Antonio Amato XD
Nice! I’m going to give my players some hell to make up for all the killing they are doing
Just be sure to have the “How to kill a BAM moves available”.
eh, I just want them to have to run from a fight for a change LOL.
Heh, just remember that some players have the mind set of “If the DM is throwing it at us, that means we can take it with out changing our tactics.”
I think BAMs a better suited as an entire adventure location in and of themselves. They’re so absurdly huge that HP and damage values don’t even matter.
I’m with Peter about that. While I loved the first article about BAMs, this second one clashes a little with the DW philosophy. All those stats – if you aren’t use them actively – are quite useless. Better model the BAM as a Front, and manage his attacks like a series of Defy Danger.
Also, BAM vs. BAM are just fiction told by the GM, you don’t need to roll dice and making moves.
In the Pirates! supplement gaint seamonsters (BASMS) don’t fight pc’s, they fight the ship. And they actually fight AS ships. They can only be damaged by cannon salvo’s, things like harpoon guns or maybe area of effect ordnance spells, like fireballs. They grapple ships, crush ships and even swallow ships.
I suppose one could make similar rules for land colossi.
Andrea Parducci
Agreed. We had BAM vs BAM fights in one session. It was boring.
Nice. However, the BAM’s top end damage (31HP) is too extreme as that can (and will) one-shot characters which is no fun.
Being able to kill a character with a single blow might seem like it makes the BAM even more awesome.
But killing a character based on a one-off dice roll tends to suck the drain fun and excitement from a game, rather than add to it. Roll the dice then “Sorry, you’re dead” just doesn’t make for great role playing. There’s no fighting valiantly against terrible odds; only a death move, then game over for that player.
Far better to make the damage into say 1d12+8, so that getting hit is survivable but combat with a BAM is still an inexorable rush toward the precipice of death.
Any particular creature that can one-shot a character should be less a normal fight and more of a long-term encounter or maybe a puzzle or just a fictional situation and less a rules thing.
Give the characters ways to face them, maybe even according to fronts as mentioned above. Have them discover weaknesses and then get to apply them. Any kind of creature that can just incapacitate/annihilate/remove a character from play in one roll that doesn’t go in someone’s favor is not the kind of encounter that plays well with the game aspect of things in my mind.
If you foreshadow/telegraph clearly and they charge in foolishly there might be some expectation that they should have prepared or made a better choice. I could kind of see that. But sometimes even that doesn’t come across clearly to someone.