Here is a last sneak peak into the maps before I prepare the pack for upload the next days.

Here is a last sneak peak into the maps before I prepare the pack for upload the next days.

Here is a last sneak peak into the maps before I prepare the pack for upload the next days.

I am interested into what kind of maps may be usefull for gaming and if there is interest in a bunch of regional maps in this style. I am always happy for community feedback to improve my output and to keep my audiance in sight. I am working with the help of some friends to also improve and startup my patreon on a regular shedule, so be sure that the feedback I get here will having impact on the creative process.


– Vandel

11 thoughts on “Here is a last sneak peak into the maps before I prepare the pack for upload the next days.”

  1. This is good work my friend. I too love maps! Big ones tiny ones some that are hard to read – I love’m so much, I frame’m and put’m up for everyone to behold. I’m ashamed to say that I lost all of my childhood game maps; an asshole took them saying that I stole from him (obviously he was lying) but I lost many treasured maps….keep going my friend.

  2. I don’t mean to start unfriendly competition – but Vandel, you’ve got game over the maps shown on that link.  Just say’n 😉  Or at those your maps too LOL; if they are – you’re getting even better.

  3. Sorry, language fail, I am no native english speaker and dont fully understand what you are saying Midian Niles .

    Do do want to soon contribute to my friends shop with my maps, there are non of mine there yet, but with theses sets, I hope to start publishing maps on a regular base.

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