Hello Tavern!
After a lot of thought over the holidays I decided to take my involvement in the larger DW Community to the next level.
I hope you can find it in your heart to support me.
From the Patreon:
Can’t you just continue to do that Tim? Why a Patreon?
Life as a student isn’t cheap and with my Master Thesis approaching next semester I will be harder pressed for time. I want to continue talking to all of you about Dungeon World and writing more in depth guides to further the understanding of the game. I will also be getting married in August and I need to prioritize for that too. Having a bit of support (morally even more importantly then financially) from all of you can enable me to continue to be a voice in our community without cutting back.
What do you get?
You will get posts and advice from me as you are used to but I will also write more condensed and precise Guides to certain aspects of the game. Aspects like how to think about “Encounters” or Action scenes in Dungeon World. How to improve your pacing or how you can exploit your prep better.
I am also really eager to start working on Style Guides, my take on how one can do setting or genre supplements with Dungeon World as well as Class Guides, i.e. reviews of Dungeon World Classes that are out there.
I also want to take your feedback and write about everything you want to know or discuss as well as pick up topics that are hot in the community.
My goal is to release 3 Guides per Month.
Can anyone see these Guides?
YES! The plan plan is to release the Guides for free to everyone. I write these guides to help you all so putting them behind a pay-wall seems counterintuitive to me.
(Setting Guides might stay Backer Exclusive though)
…and done. Tim Franzke: about how many releases do you expect to do each month? A ballpark would help in terms of people planning pledges.
3 per month is the plan.
And thank you very much for supporting me
Pledged. Tip/request–put some time into making the PDFs really nice and clean like Joe Banner or the folks doing Funnel World.
Absolutely pledged. Your insight here on the Tavern has directly improved the quality of the DW games I’ve run. Looking forward to what you create!
Jonathan Spengler thank you very much. That is so awesome to hear!
Wonderful! I am so pleased to see this!
Pledged. Always good to hear your feedback and looking forward to the guides.
Done! Look forward to it, Tim, and congrats on your upcoming wedding!