Looking for 1-3 more players for Fri-Sat. Sunday we may need more. Any takers?

Looking for 1-3 more players for Fri-Sat. Sunday we may need more. Any takers?

Looking for 1-3 more players for Fri-Sat. Sunday we may need more. Any takers?

Originally shared by Damian “LFGM” Jankowski

A three session Thanksgiving marathon mini-campaign!

Players will start at level 1.

XP is doubled, 2 instead of 1.

Sessions will last 3-4 hours [longer if time allows].

We will have a drop-in/drop-out campaign here. Make what you can make, and you will simply pick-up within the storyline at that point.

All sessions are in EST time [GMT -5]:

Session 1: Friday 28th, 4pm

Session 2: Saturday 29th, 10am

Session 3: Sunday 30th, 10am


2 thoughts on “Looking for 1-3 more players for Fri-Sat. Sunday we may need more. Any takers?”

  1. Friday: Almost certainly yes, hard personal drop out time of seven eastern.

    Saturday: Almost certainly not, unless my IRL group falls through again.

    Sunday: Maybe, it’s a bit of a shift of my preferred sleeping schedule.

    Is Class Warfare cool? I just got my pdf, curious to try it out. Would lean towards random specialty selection during character creation, which I could do before the session if preferred.

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