We played Dungeon World, only to fill the gap until 13th Age was out…
We played 13th Age and we want to try Numenera but one thing is for sure :
We’re going back to Dungeon World.
All to other games feel to much like table top. Too many rules for us over 40 years old (playing since 1984)
The players never want to play any other game (after numenera) again
Thx for a great role playing game
You’ll like Numenera just as much as DW rule-wise. It’s very streamlined and fun to play.
Ya, i can’t muster the time or energy to memorize 300-page rulebooks anymore. DW is the sweet spot. And a great game!
(Okay, the DW rulebook is 400 small pages, but little memorization is required)
There’s probably one thing in Dungeon World that makes it really special :
No initiative!
Everyone in our group was like : how is this supposed to work…?
Now they don’t want to miss it
Numenera is a little too prep heavy for me but I want to GM this setting so bad
How does 13th Age play by comparison? Just curious. I have it, but have never played it.
It’s a bit more about the dices. GM and players really have to pay attention on what you roll. Especially the occultist who has to watch out for other players and monster dice rolls as well.
That makes it play more like a table top game without a grid.
Role play and flow can suffer a bit.
Think of D&D 4e light.
It’s fun but its not dungeon world