Here we go.
During the pool (https://plus.google.com/u/0/+EzioMelega/posts/Ys2MUq5iivA) 14 out of 41 voters asked for a preview of the artwork pertaining The Spellslinger, one of the new extra classes we will publish in the upcoming edition.
Are you talking to me, gringo? I can magic your face to next wednesday, so I don’t think you are talking with me.
Art by Michela Da Sacco
The Spellslinger is a class by Adrian Thoen (http://rpg.drivethrustuff.com/product/112749/The-Spellslinger–A-Dungeon-World-Playbook)
Maybe, if you behave, I’ll do some other pool in the near future…
In the meanwhile you can take a look at the Inverse World one
: https://plus.google.com/u/0/106208215013894151619/posts/gLREPuPhgmw
Can I say I’ve always been partial to this class? I tried to have it in Italy for a whole year, in a form or another, and I think it’s one of the best third-parts classes I’ve ever read.
Toether with Shadi Alhusary’s Kobold and a few other it has the great merit to have me jumping on the chair reading it, exclaiming: “I WANT TO PLAY IT! NOW!”
I invite you to check other classes from Adrian, he is very talented in writing them ^^
#spaghettifantasy ?
If you wish… We could easily play it in Sardinia…
Or Cicily? What about a God Father playbook?
I don’t take mafia lightly.
It’s not a game, for us, and I’m very conscious about that.
Please, don’t continue on this way ^^
“Not sure if there were ten charges in this wand or eight… blasted eight of your Orc friends. So, tell me gob, do you feel lucky? Do ya?”
Ezio Melega Do you find mafia movies offensive? I would never have thought that…
This is great, thanks for the kind words Ezio, and thank you for the amazing art Michela Da Sacco !
I’m very honoured for the spellslinger to be included in this high quality book, I’ll be buying the pdf just to get all the lovely art and layout.
You’re talkin’ to me all wrong. It’s the wrong tone. You do it again, and I’ll stab you in the face with a soldering iron.
Wynand Louw I find American mafia mythos stereotypical and damaging.
They romanticize something that should not be romanticized. Mafia(s) here are serious stuff. Not Brando stuff, but dissolve children in acid to send a message stuff. Blow up whole bunches of highway, blue up people to second floor to kill a judge serious stuff. Our children, our people.
It’s a plague that is and will bring down my Country. I don’t like to see it treated lightly, and I don’t like it beign, like, the first thing associated to Italy in a casual conversation.
As a rule of thumb steer very clear from the Italy-Mafia association when beign in a casual conversation with one of us.
Anyway, this is not the place to discuss that)
Ezio Melega Thanks for the insight. I had no idea.
No worries. If you want some other clarification contact me in private ^^