Hey folks, I made a list of #resources . Enjoy.
http://scriptogr.am/sbr/post/dw-resourcesHey folks, I made a list of #resources . Enjoy.
Hey folks, I made a list of #resources . Enjoy.
Hey folks, I made a list of #resources . Enjoy.
Hey folks, I made a list of #resources . Enjoy.
http://scriptogr.am/sbr/post/dw-resourcesComments are closed.
Vicente Cartas Espinel done.
Great list – there’s quite a few on there I’ve missed. Thanks!
That’s great! Thank you!
Would the Big List of Dungeon World Classes be worth adding? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y-EQ1GUpnhRF6dlMugSRcQBpmVkCmFJFND6b4_TTiew/edit#gid=0
Awesome, that’s a neat spreadsheet, I’ll add it.
The tag grab-bag has been useful for some people:
1.0: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9YJeTzgknAdGp6V0dGcXR5MEJ6am1xNVJYVHRLbEE&usp=sharing
2.0: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Al9YJeTzgknAdGRYRlNLRW1DQjVDTzNONjR6Tl9GSmc&usp=sharing
Form to add more tags: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/12gAte1hL7G-G_7Ss5K5RiQSn-ttNpl3sLN30tXzqgaw/viewform?entry.185735639&entry.1539845464&entry.136712350&entry.1217086533&entry.1156052757=CC-BY+3.0&entry.1575703971
I don’t know if yoyu are intersted also in not english material but there is also the italian e-zine “mondo sotterraneo”.
Ah very useful list of resources!
Isaac Karth thanks, that’s an interesting idea, definitely helpful.
Simone Lombardo thank you. I will stick for English resources for now because otherwise I would need to hunt down all other Italian resources, too and my Italian is non-existant.