I wrote this a while ago for someone who wanted to play a witch for one of our games. That never panned out, so this hasn’t been playtested. Still, here’s an early Halloween treat: the Pagan. Brew potions, curse people, and ride a broom. Let me know if you have a chance to try it out or have any feedback.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw6SrgW-L3kDUUtubERfZ3MyVFU/view?usp=sharingI wrote this a while ago for someone who wanted to play a witch for one of our games.
I wrote this a while ago for someone who wanted to play a witch for one of our games.
Interesting. Could be funny to play. You catch the essence of tge witch!
Brew potion is so-so.
When you have collected the necessary ingredients and want to brew a potion
well, collect the ingredients should be an (optional?) part included in the conditions (ie. first you must…, or it will require a lot of money).
Gear: try to “balance” the equip, maybe giving a look to the prices:
! 3 healing potions (3 weight)
! 3 antitoxin (3 weight)
! Poultices and herbs (2 uses, 1 weight)
Potions are really expensive and useful.
Also, weights seem wrong.
Familiar is very funny!
Flying Broom. You should rethink the choices. The first one is a not-choice. You should let that one as assumption (you WANT to arrive there!), then roll and On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1.
• You arrive safely.
• Your arrival doesn’t draw unwanted attention.
• Your broom wasn’t damaged during the journey.
Alternately, you could create a choice about the length of the journey, something like – you arrive at the right moment.
You put “the devil” beyond the Gates of Death. You made some assumption regarding the setting/world; this is uncommon in DW.
All the parts about the Appearance of Potions I feel it’s not so useful. Also, it hasn’t real effect in the fiction. You should keep the descriptive tags just for color, byt maybe you should create a “mechanical” list of effects, something like:
– when drink the potion, take 1d6 damages (revolting, damaging, rotting etc.)
– when drink the potion, defy danger on Con. If failed, the potion is puked and wasted (on the ground…)
– when drink the potion, choose an aspect of the character being altered forever. hair color, couple of small horns growing, gain height etc.
Thanks for the helpful feedback Andrea Parducci! I’ll see if I can find time incorporating some of into the next revision.
Here’s the latest version: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bw6SrgW-L3kDaE5ONGN4RGw0UkU&authuser=0
(I guess you can’t replace documents in the new G-Drive now. Alas.)
I really like the new version and will give it a try in a OneShot.
Two ideas:
– Devils Shield gives +4 Armor. Now that seems really overpowered, even if it takes you two levelups. I mean I can´t imagine an old lady jumping in front of the fighter screaming “stand back boy, I´ll take the hit.” … Well I can, but that would annoy of the fighter. I woul reduce it´s power by some ongoing effects. “While you wear/cast your Devils Shield, you are unable to use any other magic” or “While you wear/cast your Devils Shield, you can spend one dark favor to protect you from a single hit with +4 armor.”
– The flying broom should be a basic class move. Why stoud you plan a Pagan when not for flying?
On the other hand it might outpower the other PCs. How about “state a destination you have either once visited or have currently in your line of sight” ?
Zsolt Sz Cool. Let me know how it goes!
– The Devil’s Shield move was modeled after the “Arcane Armor” move that a wizard has available at the 6-10 levels, so I think it should be okay as far as balance.
– Great idea! I think I’ll change the racial move for Human to be instead: “You start with the Flying Broom move.”
I suggested it for a game yesterday, and it was choosen. We played it acording to version 0.3, but with the limitation “state a destination you have either once visited or have currently in your line of sight”. And yes, we had a great time with it. The Pagan once was in a dark room under attack. I expected him (was a male whitchmaster) to somehow make fire. Instead he used the “stinking” curse to locate the enemy.”Fighter, attack the smell of old socks!”
GDrive now allows you to manage versions of the same document, so I’ve updated the post’s main link to be the latest version: 0.5. This new version includes a few new moves and some modifications to existing ones. I was happy to be able to bring back “Master Brewer” in a more useful form in this one.