I’m still busy working on a new site for managing PBP games like DW! We continue to test the site as well as add new features. On of the new features is the ability to publicly share stores.
The first group to use the site has decided to make their DW story public. You can view their story with the attached link.
The features of the website have progressed with the story, and so the early posts may be a bit rough because there was not initially and post edit feature to correct errors.
As a player and tester, let me say this site is awesome! I can’t wait for a more public launch because I can see it being THE place for DW, and other pbta games, play by post.
I don’t know what this is but it makes me wish I had a monocle and a beard to stroke in contemplation.
Tony Ferron I’ll take that! I like bearded monocle wearers — especially when they are Steampunk.
This looks fantastic. I was just talking the other day about how I’m excited to see new PBP-focused sites coming around. I’m addicted to Storium, I never really got into forum roleplay, but having a dedicated site to play at seems just right.
I’ll be watching this one closely!
This looks like a lot of fun, good work!
I’m the master of dungeons for jay and jay’s game, and I’m finding the site and its constant improvements great for running a play by post DW game.
Thanks Adrian Thoen, waiting for you to make your story public so people can see the goodness of your world!
Hello Jay Haase . I start by saying that I’m watching the site from a smartphone, so maybe I’m missing some important features. Anyway, what does this web site have better than a normal forum, for a pbp?
When will it become available for more people? (:
Simone Lombardo in many ways the site is like a forum. Here are some added features that really help with a PBP game:
1. Website users post as characters from the story/game. A website user has a different online presence for each story the are participating in. This helps with story immersion.
1. Story Weavers/game masters can post as story characters — this also helps with story immersion.
2. Each story has its own dictionary of terms that grows with the story, as well as dictionaries of terms for the type of story/game being played (for example a Dugeon World dictionary). Users can link to these dictionaries in their posts.
3. Each participant of the story gets its own specialized profile based on the type of story/game being played.
Trickster H we currently have two different groups using ileni for Dungeon World games. I would be willing to add another group of 3 or 4 people playing Dungeon World. I’m trying to keep things a small, because I am still working on a number of features.
yeah, this is still basically an Alpha testing phase, right?
Yes, we are still in Alpha. I need just enough users to ferret out the new features and pain points, while not be too many to users to tie up my time supporting them.
No pressure, I’d just love to try it out.
For me, the things that make this a more accessible asynchronous roleplay experience is that dice rolls are baked in, and the rules or plot points or characters can have their own pages, which can be wiki linked or have popups. It’s a great way to help keep the flow of information smooth and easy.
I agree, and as someone whose only viable route to playing RPGs is pbp, it is a really exciting thing to be a part of.
I’m the other GM on the site right now. I never realized how much I’d like play-by-post games until using this tool. Especially as a GM, it’s nice to have the time to think about how to respond, what sorts of moves are available, and generally be able to handle moves with something other than “Mark damage”. Playing PBP has made me a better GM in person, too.
Thank you Jay Haase . In this period I can only play using forum so I was interstered in the system. I’ll give it a look.
Please let me know when you get to beta testing, I’d love to participate. Thanks.
Trickster H, please send me your email address, and I will let you know. jayhaase@gmail.com.