This is a little experiment I did this evening, after reading Vincent’s Apocalypse World: Dark Age and having my mind blowed by it.
I’ll leave it here, resting a little.
Good idea.
Maybe a bit too many +1 forward moves.
What a night for classes!
Yeah, the “You have the right to” Move of Dark Age are brilliant, right?
I’ve been thinking about demigod characters lately and if I ever get around to being a PC again I might just pick this!
Slight spelling/word choice error on the last Bond. Right now it is “I don’t care if them believe me or not”
Just to be clear, this is basically a first draft, born in a couple of hours out the urge to see that wonderful Rights system in other contexts.
Expect plenty of mispellings and lazy +1 moves
Anyway I will appreciate any comment ^^
Dabbler and Expert are boring Move names too, for what that matters. How about Worldly and Supernal?
Interesting thought ^^
I wanted for it to have more than its fair share of multiclass moves to represent its ascension to a specific aspect of a pantheon, but I was more preoccupied about the two basic moves than everything else, and names were right at the bottom of the list XD
Thats okay, I’ve made about 15 tiny compendium classes since Monday just to get some ideas out there. I can appreciate it’s not complete!
It makes a certain sense that you are a demigod, and thats a big deal, but what you become depends on what you see and do in the mortal world.
15 compendium classes? That is quite the output. I never was so productive with compendium classes…
Nah! I should have said, they’re just joke ones! Well, the Warrior Poet is fun, and mechanically, the Intrepid Archaeologist is alright.
Only seven moves a class too.
The drawing is yours?
No, I stole it from the first page of Internet results for “Herakles”.
I should have specified it in the rights line, but it was late and I wasn’t very lucid.
Still, supreme bad form on my part. I don’t know the license detail of that image.
I will put a disclaimer or change the image as soon I will be at PC this evening.
I like the prerogative mechanic a lot.
One thought though: some seem a lot more powerful than others which detract from the meaningfulnes of the choice. Also the undenied move as some weaker choices.
Hercules: “I have the right to command this army!”
General: “In your dreams, Buster.”
Hercules: “Er… OK. I renounce that right.”
Not enforcing a right is ok, but why demand a right when you are not going to enforce it?
Hercules: “I have the right to command this army.”
General. “In your dr…
A bolt of lightning hits the general and he is crispy bacon.
Zeus: “Anytime, son.”
It’s a matter of choice, actually.
The point is that you don’t choose to trigger that move. You walk in a city and everyone is supposed to bring you a third of everything. If they don’t do it the Universe will got angry.
Not enforcing it is actually the kind choice.
Too kind. Not cruel enough.
I’ve already decided to scrap it and substitute with “Declare that you will hold a grudge and bemoan human ingratitude”.
First because this doesn’t offer an easy way out to the character: enforce it or loose it. Second because… Achilles!
I think invoking a right is always a choice. But the moment the character invokes a right there should be consequences and no easy way out for anybody.
Also: of you like the Prerogative check Apocalypse World: Dark Age. They come from there.
I will put the Trascendence move in the 2-5 tier, anyway. The 6-10 will have the move to become mortal and change class…
Wynand Louw no.
In this class invoking a Prerogative will not be a choice. Or, better, the only choice will be to enforce it or lose it.
Beign constrained by your own power is one of the main themes.
That sounds cool.