It is complete!!! The class that I have been working on for the last few months is here.
I introduce to you the Shadow Hunter.
The Shadow Hunter is a dexterity/intelligence based class, that is built around a “daisy chain” style of fighting. It can blink/leap between enemies and deal incredible amounts of burst damage. This does not come without a cost thought. The Shadow Hunter has one of the lowest possible starting hit points that I know of, and has to rely on its evasive abilities in order to survive. Staying hidden is also a necessity to survive outside of combat. The perfect glass cannon. I have been told that this class is quite complicated and I suggest that everyone should first carefully read through the sheet before playing it.
I based this class off of Nightcrawler from the X-Men Marvel comics and also off of Slark the Murloc Nightcrawler from DotA and I must admit it is probably the cheesiest class so far xD. I have a feeling it still has some flaws and is perhaps still too over powered so I am totally open to some constructive criticism. I am planning on publishing it on RPGNow soon and I will post the link soon! If this goes well, this will be the first of many cheesy character sheets.
Thanks to everyone who helped me make my first class!
Reposted in the right category this time!
I would just offer the following bit of critic:
Look over one of the official classes and add the things you’re missing.
– Add a base damage.
– Racial options, can just be human if you like.
– Add starting equipment choices.
– Add bond choices, stuff like “I will show ___ not to fear the unknown” etc.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks I really appreciate the help! I have made a rough outline of all those but they still need some work. I first want to see what people think of the abilities so far, and if they are not maybe too over powered.
I think you are on the right track, but you are not there yet. You don’t seem to have a grasp on the basics of the game. I found a lot of little mechanical problems and spelling mistakes, but I can’t list them all here.
You need to get a better understanding of what the moves should be able to do, and try not to be so mechanical. It’s sometimes better that abilities are broad.
Keep going and refine it. Lots of potential.