I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice,…

I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice,…

I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice, which I thought might warrant a re-share. Still heavily based on the Avatar cartoon series. I am still in need of commentary or play-tests, if anyone is interested – I haven’t had any opportunities to run it or play it myself.

Also adding Lemmo Pew , who had expressed some interest in seeing if some players were willing to try a slightly older version. 

As always, thanks all!


5 thoughts on “I’ve been toying with this playbook for several weeks now, and made some changes based on some friend’s advice,…”

  1. im a little confused by one bit

    One of the tags on the water move is precise

    Which lets you hack and slash with DEX

    However my impression was that if I hack and slash with my element as a weapon I would be using my manipulate STAT, which in waters case would already be DEX?

    Or do you H&S and volley attacks use STR and DEX as normal, which would make earth much better (stat wise) for close combat H&S and air the clear choice for ranged attacks (and with precise tag for H&S too), where as fire and water, suffer in attacks as they have to foucs on two stats

    Can you clear up for me?

    I only ask because I LOVE this class, and your build is pretty much my fave so far 😀

  2. Hey, Andrew Murphy! Thanks for the kind words! You are correct that H&S and Volley both function normally – only the defend move is modified by the character’s manipulate STAT. Aid/interfere is also modified via a level up move.

    Water should not have precise as an option, it should be piercing, hazard, and forceful. Might be a typo.

    That having been said, i have been looking at the tag lists for each of the variants to see what balances best – one of the ones I an looking at hardest is precise on the air touched list. Hopefully some play testing will help me figure out the fully final setup.

    I hope this answers your question, I’ve been struggling to find solid and easy language to describe the mechanics on elemental mastery.

  3. urgh im a tit! its air that has precise! >_< sorry

    thanks for confirming makes much more sense now, and even the air move being precise 🙂

    I think maybe just putting that elemental master can be used in place of a weapon in bold, and maybe mention “throwing bolder instead of shooting a bow, or thrusting with water instead of a sword” might help people see its just a “weapon” not a replacement for hack and slash or volley (maybe even state that?)

    but yeah i love the class, something myself and one of my players really want

    and seeing how your playbook really specialises the elements (thier own moves and bonuses – ESPECIALLY the earthbender background bonus/negative) we might run a 4 elementalist game for kicks

  4. Thanks a bunch, Andrew Murphy :), and glad I could clear things up! I’m still tinkering with some of the language, so hopefully I can avoid confusion for anyone else who is interested in the class. If you do end up running it, or you manage to get a full foursome going, I’d LOVE to hear how it goes!

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