Hello, I’m looking into making a class and would like some advice and or guidance on it; the basic premise is a…

Hello, I’m looking into making a class and would like some advice and or guidance on it; the basic premise is a…

Hello, I’m looking into making a class and would like some advice and or guidance on it; the basic premise is a blacksmith.  

7 thoughts on “Hello, I’m looking into making a class and would like some advice and or guidance on it; the basic premise is a…”

  1. Blacksmith seems too prescriptive and specific for a “class” per se and I think you’ll have trouble making up enough moves to comprise a full class that are blacksmith specific?

    If you broaden your proposed class to be Artificer or Engineer as an example, and theme it along the lines of:

    – Taking bonuses and skills from the environment and enemies,

    – Breaking magic items and equipment you find,

    – Remaking them into something more useful.

    I think you get a broader, but perhaps easier to develop, idea.

    I recently read the Battlemind class suggestion by Sage La Torra at:


    and I liked the ‘move currency’ it has with the Oneness move.

    You could do something here with a making type class where you have a currency for your moves to break and make things: you’d earn currency when you break the environment/equipment/monsters, and spend it when you create new items.

    You could have moves that would allow you to ‘collect’ tags and reuse them later in new items. So, perhaps you’d collected the tags forceful, messy, long … You could spend three of your move currency and combine it with 2 uses of adventuring equipment and make a:

    Bomb Messy, Forceful, Long

    Anyway, to bring us full circle, you could have a basic/advanced move sequence that was a blacksmith theme that allowed you to create weapons with your stolen moves and put the above in a sword or axe.

    There would have to be some careful testing to ensure you didn’t overpower. Just a few thoughts.

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