Would anyone be interested in a (bi)weekly game design hangout? Chat about your projects get advice. Depending on how many people there are, we could spend 10 or 15 minutes on everyone’s individual projects.
Would anyone be interested in a (bi)weekly game design hangout?
Would anyone be interested in a (bi)weekly game design hangout?
This would actually be pretty cool. I’d be glad to participate.
Well, it’s something I’d like to listen in on. I don’t really have many projects as such, aside from the occasional reskin and ‘let’s play x with y, because that would be cool’ sorta-hack.
No, I take that back. I do have projects. I’m working on a ‘Religion’ add-on for Traveller, two reskins/mods for Gregor Hutton ‘s wonderful 3:16 Carnage Amongst The Stars (Vietnam and SW:Clone Wars), and have any number of old ideas floating around in files and notebooks. Dungeon World (and AW) really has my attention, though, and I’m sure something will come up soon.
I would be interested.
Damian Jankowski Noah Doyle Mark Tygart Juniper Jazz Hows wednesday at like 5:30 work for you guys? it would probably go an hour and a half maybe more.
Wednesdays don’t work. That’s my big game night.
Juniper Jazz Aight sunday maybe?
Sunday works for me.
Sunday works for me but I only have a keyboard and mouse, so i may not be group material.
Might make communication harder by I don’t see it being a huge issue
I work until 7pm EST.
hows 7:30 for people then?
Sounds good. PST?
Est actually, that probably changes things
Yes, I will try to make it, but that puts me on a tight schedule.
Should have thought of this.
What are the mechanics? Just show up on the site?
Mark Tygart Well this seems like a good time so ill make an event and add all of you to it. And in there I guess you can post what you are working on so we can read and be prepared for stuff.
Hey everyone I believe I just invited all of you for the hangout this sunday(Today for me) If we can get like 3 or four people on board I would consider that a success.