At the end of our first DW story arc the town the characters were in was destroyed by a meteor.

At the end of our first DW story arc the town the characters were in was destroyed by a meteor.

At the end of our first DW story arc the town the characters were in was destroyed by a meteor.  Tonight we played The Quiet Year by Avery Mcdaldno  to see how the year following the disaster went.  The PC’s will start playing again with the situation we ended up with at the end of the game.  Thank you Avery for this great game that you can find here

8 thoughts on “At the end of our first DW story arc the town the characters were in was destroyed by a meteor.”

  1. It turned out the trolls in the hills are civilized and started a diamond trade with a competing town.  The town was divided between a powerful group of religious zealots and a more traditional camp on opposite sides of a river.  Two neighboring towns went to war over the scraps of our resources.  A piece of the meteor is tainting the water supply from inside a crater.  I have so many good fronts to work with now I don’t know what will happen when the game starts.  Every round was like a gift to the GM.

  2. Casey McKenzie I’m really interested in this — I want to open a campaign exactly this way. I’m curious, did you have more than three people in the room? If so, how did you adapt The Quiet Year to the larger group?

  3. We had a total of 5 around the table and it seemed to play just fine with that number. It scales well, with more people just making each of you have less control of the eventual direction of things as it is a long time between your turns. We recorded the session and put it up on our podcast if you are interested and I also made a crude youtube video as well. Good luck with your game, its a great way to set a stage.

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