Hi! I remember that Giovanni Lanza was converting Eberron. Are there developments on that front? Is there a file somewhere I can read (and pass on to some Eberron enthusiast friend)?
Hi! I remember that Giovanni Lanza was converting Eberron. Are there developments on that front? Is there a file somewhere I can read (and pass on to some Eberron enthusiast friend)?
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I am playing in a play by post game with him now and playtesting classes for him.
Yup! I’ll try to share the classes with you by this afternoon, and there should be the basic stuff (i.e. not locations and monsters) coming out by this weekend.
awesome, thanks!
uhm I can’t see much, but maybe is because I’m on an ipad. I’m entering the community anyway. Thanks!
I, er, inadvertedly shared it with my circles… hope it’s ok!
That’s fine!
/yellow sub