Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld over the past few weeks and it’s finally in an alpha state that we’re ready to share and allow others to poke holes in! The character creation doc will step you through the process, the motives and origins docs will tell you how to deal with alignment and race and the auto fill character sheet will keep track of points for you as you build out a character. Give it a go and let us know what you think!
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0By6w_Fd5yhN5RGNNanlndF80NkE&usp=sharingHey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld over the past few weeks…
Hey everyone, Rory MacLeod and I have been working on a point buy system for #DungeonWorld over the past few weeks…
Oh, I guess I should rationalize this
Anyway I love playbooks, I think they’re great for new players and convention play but I also love crunchy osr style character creation! What was I to do! Well build a system to allow it, obviously. So Rory MacLeod and I talked about it off and on for a month or two and then finally set about building the system. We’ve gotten it to a state where we can rebuild the core playbooks all within about a 10 point margin and that’s what we’ve based the normal strata on. Pleb strata allows you to build basically villagers who are good at a thing and super heroic strata allows for absurdly badass starting characters.
From a build/cost perspective we took the moves from 15 playbooks (I think that’s how many) and determined all the levers that they play on in the game mechanics and put a price on those levers then took into account the modifiers that act on those levers for each move and end up with point cost.
In our working documents we have it all set up as a formula built off a common source of levers/modifiers so that if we find something completely off the mark we can readjust the lever/modifier once and have it adjust all moves using it.
Overall there are 306 moves currently priced. You can build some pretty awesome characters with what we have now. Once we get the system to a gold state and released we’ll have all the math available to build your own moves and cost them as well as convert moves from additional playbooks!
What a lot of work. Kudos…
Waooow ! A traditional RPG with Dungeon World moves : I love it !!!