How many hit points do clerics get?

How many hit points do clerics get?

How many hit points do clerics get? My PDF from RPGNow says 8+Constitution. The character sheet from RPGNow says the same. also says 8+Constitution. However, the character sheets linked to from here: say 6+Constitution.

Thanks in advance for any help.

3 thoughts on “How many hit points do clerics get?”

  1. It’s 8+Constitution in the print core book too. By golly, by my count, that’s two typological boo-boos in the version of the sheets with the Barbarian built in: Cleric HP and a missing (hidden) gear option (3 antitoxin) for the Druid someone pointed out earlier. Good eye!

  2. Adam Koebel Who… WHO will address these glaring deficits in the PC sheets?? It’s like the Cleric is starting her career with a chronic iron deficiency, and the party has no anti-toxin! Mere typos — or matters of life & death? I ask you! 😉

    I mean, I guess I could just pencil in the corrections.. BUT STILL!

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