Zakess Solitary, Devious, Intelligent, Terrifying
Vorpal brain b[2d8] ignores armor, 16 HP, 1 armor
Close, Far
This creature is easily mistaken for an invisible construct created by its enemies. The construct has a horde of invisible minions (also constructs) that can be invoked to sow unreasoning fear. Instinct: To weed out the irrational
* Declaim a strong opinion
* Support a claim with evidence
* Expose a weakness in an enemy’s logic (+1 forward on Discern Realities to anyone who considers the information)
* Expose a lie
* Insist on reasoned defense of a controversial claim
* Suffer not the company of a fool
Hmmm. I’m much more interested in actually useful Dungeon World monsters than satire.
I found this monster to be more fiction than fact, I think it’s just an ordinary troll, devious perhaps but easily dispatched.
And there shall be no fun here!!
I happen to think stuff that actually relates to Dungeon World is more fun than thinly veiled social commentary. I have this strange sense of fun where I find actually playing RPGs more fun than illustrating a screed and posting it on a tangentially related G+ group.
YMMV, of course.
I think this would be a fun monster anyway.
Why can’t social commentary be in your RPG? Hell, we were being lead by a Paladin of Buff, God of Fitness in a fight against the demon lord Diablobeetus. It’s not like RPGs have to be serious business.
Not sure this is for or against though…
Jeff Wells because we get enough social stink from G+ as is…
Should be based on the gas spore. D-
Like it !
You should add :
* Always accompanied by three or four gorgeous women which seem to appreciate his wit
Fear and loathing in dungeon world.