My FATE game fell through this weekend and I ended up running an enormous nine and a half hour one-shot of Dungeon World for the players who showed up.
My friend June Jazz asked me if I felt like writing up some info about it and I have! It was a blast, and makes me want to run Dungeon World again.
9 1/2 !!!! Respect!
Interesting. Didn’t know of dirt dungeon. Looks funny.
This is great! Looking forward to part 2!
Can you mention here when the next one is posted?
I just have one question.
Did you die?
Juniper Jazz I did not die! It was pretty exhausting though.
Vinney Cavallo Sure thing. It will probably be tomorrow by the time I get a chance to write it up.
Vinney Cavallo
Heya! I posted the second one just now!