Complete the custom move.
You have an adorable pet spider. When you show your pet spider to someone, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose 3. *On a 7-9, choose 1.
Complete the custom move.
Complete the custom move.
You have an adorable pet spider. When you show your pet spider to someone, roll+CHA. *On a 10+, choose 3. *On a 7-9, choose 1.
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The power of internet memes has warped your sense of reality. That which would otherwise horrify & disgust you is now desireable & mesmerizing.
-They don’t scream in terror and spat it for 1d3 damage
-They reluctantly pet it, keeping their eyes on it all the while
-They do anything not to be kept in its presence, but are to polite to show it
Depends on the world/setting, some races like the drow (dark elf), gnomes or dwarves might use the larger ones like we would use dogs for odd jobs (as well as spiders great for silk production).
I’d use some of the moves from Jim Hines’ Goblin Quest for this, really. The spider was one of the most important characters in that book.
Gary Forbis You forgot “Kill it with FIRE.”
Not sure if it is suppose to be a good or bad list even if the spider is ‘adorable’, but I would go with some of these random options:
-The person faints and you can rob them.
-They start to panic, you get + 1 forward to parley with them through intimidation.
-They respect your love for spiders and tell you a rumor.
-They run scared and drop something.
Jumping spiders are awesome. They’re also really small (as that image demonstrates). Watching them go about their business is fascinating.
I watched a doco many years ago now on one type that only hunted other spiders. Many of these were much larger than them, which is not surprising given their size. This particular type was incredibly intelligent and creative.
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Bringed? Is it spiderese?
Yes, Paride Papadia, it am spiderese.
I actually had a dungeon world character that was based on a jumping spider! Where did I put those pics…