We should have an inspirational source material list: books, movies, art, etc.
http://www.amazon.com/Perdido-Street-Station-China-Mieville/dp/0345459407We should have an inspirational source material list: books, movies, art, etc.
We should have an inspirational source material list: books, movies, art, etc.
http://www.amazon.com/Perdido-Street-Station-China-Mieville/dp/0345459407Comments are closed.
Hilariously, I just bought this on Adam’s orders and am about to read it for the first time.
So much love and so much frustration for this novel & JACKSON DON’T PEE IN THE CORNFLAKES ok ok i’m shutting up
M. John Harrison’s Viriconium
Les Citees Obscures #3, La Tour
Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels
Gene Wolfe The Book of the New Sun.
The Chronicles of Riddick.
My advice:
1. purchase every China Mieville book, pile them up.
2. Read while consuming uppers and mood stabiliser drugs: you’ll need them.
3. Days later, you’ll need a toilet break and a sleep. Do it, then return to reading.