The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook! Kobold Master Race!

The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook! Kobold Master Race!

The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook! Kobold Master Race!

With the help from all of you this became a reality, Its currently 1.50 but if someone can tell me how to set it as pay what you want for the tavern ill gladly do that.

12 thoughts on “The Kobold: A Dungeon World Playbook! Kobold Master Race!”

  1. Nice work! Love the cover too. Edit: just a quick note, the preview has both pages shown. You may want to update that to the cover and first page perhaps to avoid people essentially getting it completely free.

  2. I love this class.

    I read it to my S.O., who exclamed: “I have to play it now! No! Before yesterday!”

    I have to play Kobold Enjolras.

    Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry Kobolds?

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