I don’t know if this was already sorted (a search function in this forum would be cool)
Can a paladin use lay on hands on himself and if yes what happens on 7-9?
I don’t know if this was already sorted (a search function in this forum would be cool)
I don’t know if this was already sorted (a search function in this forum would be cool)
Can a paladin use lay on hands on himself and if yes what happens on 7-9?
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off topic: There is a community specific search function under the community logo
And this is one result:
Hope this answers your question
I have usually ruled that they cannot. Because the 7-9 just wouldn’t make any sense. It works with the whole, generous and selfless person, thing that paladins have going on.
Oh and there is a search function! Its right under the DW shield picture.
This has been one of the most asked questions/topics in this forum since I’ve been in. Consensus of response has been “no way.”
However, its up to your table/group.
The suggestion for search above should yield a lot of other items with paladin heal as the query.
Also rules have it if only stating it works on an ally usually rules out using it on yourself. Plenty of discussions on this to get more thoughts on this.
Can’t find the search function with my ipad or iphone
Darren Priddy Sage has often stated that in his thinking you are your own ally, and thus you can cure your own light wounds, etc.
Ask the table. It’s the only way to be sure.
Actually, ask each player. The Paladin in my group can lay hands on himself, the Wizard can’t cure her own wounds or make herself invisible, both for in-play reasons.
Perfectly fine with the table or world building letting classes do new & different things, just at disagreement with putting oneself in a category of being an ally to yourself for the specific move (unless the character has multiple personality disorder or talks about him/herself in the 3rd person).
Your character could always heal themself with potions or rolling INT for some kind of medical/first aid knowledge.
Loco Tomo Search feature shows up for me either in the pull down menu at the top to just see classes or on the main g+ app page with the hourglass. Could also just use web browser too.
Darren, I’m with you in the grammatical and logical sense. In particular, some spells say they affect “an ally”; others say they affect “yourself or an ally”; clearly; you aren’t your own ally.
But; the author of the game has stated he believes that you are your own ally. The above analysis reads more into the phrasing than he intended.
So; what to do? Do we do what the rules say, or what the rules are intended to say?
I duck the question, and ask the players. Which, as it happens, turns out to be more interesting.
Paladin : “I lay my hands on myself”
GM : “Here in public? In front of the blabbermouth bard?”
Bard : “Hey!”
Paladin : “No, I mean I heal myself.”
GM : “Cool! You could get … eight hit points back if you reset that broken bone in your arm. The pain might cripple you, or at least call for rolls if you try to do anything strenuous for the next half an hour or so.”
Thematically the Paladin is a danger-seeker who rejects big pieces of his potential self to fit within the dictates of his faith. He can’t donate alms to himself, or seek to liberate the subjected by acquiring personal power. He’s about sacrifice and being challenged to be tougher than a harsh world that won’t pull it’s punches, I wouldn’t let him be unchallenged, which he might become if he’s a self-sufficient healer. But again … what works for your table?
I solve this problem easily, if the paladin want to heal himself, he gets a disease (becoming blind, weakened, extremely hungry, thirsty, and who knows what angry gods can do to show their rage…), if he cure a disease, an colateral effect affects his body (getting some damage by corruption).
Just make a move…
Offer them an opportunity (to lay hands on themselves) with a cost (whatever your twisted little GM mind can come up with).