The Bag Lady
Immortal. Female
A fat old hag, shuffling along in a crimplene dress with a large woven hemp bag in each hand. Those bags are actually interdimensional portals. And she has them all over town, the world and the multiverse. She can jump in one and instantaneously appear from another. When threatened, she will simply jump in her bag.
How old is she? It is impossible to say. Those who have knowledge of the planes have heard stories of her wandering across the worlds for aeons, never resting, never at home, always passing through. But for now, she calls Snoddsburgh “home” and the beggars her friends.
Her bags are linked to her own life force. When she so wills, they lose their function completely. Anybody in between bags will be lost in the paradimensional planes forever.
Instinct: To wander
Drinks too much beer
Tells crude jokes
Laughs loud and inappropriately
Tells strange stories
Disappears into her bag
When you have 3 Influence with the Beggar King, you may ask her to transport you to any location in town, at a price. If you are lucky she may even sell you one of her bags. But you she will never allow to travel beyond the time and space of this world.
When you buy the Bag Lady a beer in her favorite tavern, she will tell you tall stories of far off worlds and the strange people that inhabit them.