Duel of the Iron Mic
When you pit your lyrical skills against those of an opponent, roll + CHA. On a hit, you prove your skill and win the duel 10+ choose two, on a 7-9 choose one.
– you embarrass or shame your foe
– their beef won’t come back to haunt you
– you’re inspired to even greater heights (take +1 forward)
On a miss, you stumble or stammer and your opponent wins the duel. Take -1 forward on top of whatever else.
The third option seems weak.
Otherwise, it’s alright enough.
When two PCs roll, who actually makes the roll and who interferes?
Alexander Davis depends on who initiated the duel.
The third option is a mechanical temptation for 10+ rollers to shame their foe and start beef.
How about “You earn the respect of a listener”?
Adam Koebel , oh, sure, I’m down with mechanical temptation, I’m just not sure it’s strong enough. I can think of some edge cases where I’d take embarrass and +1, but very few. And no beef and +1 is just plain boring, to me, personally.
What if it’s “mark XP” instead of +1 forward?
I think the role of the third option is fine, tho I understand why some folks here aren’t excited by the specifics of it. Still, here are the 10+ scenarios from the fiction, as I see them:
A+B = You put an end to this dueling nonsense, so thoroughly that your opponent hangs up the mic and recognizes that this life probably ain’t for him.
A+C = You thrash your opponent and grow your own mad skills in the process. Your foe’s certain you’ll rue the day, and looks to make that happen.
B+C = You put an end to this dueling nonsense, so thoroughly that even your opponent has to respect it as properly done — but you do it with respect shown to the other guy. He’ll remember that, and let you off the hook, and you’ll grow from having done it the harder, more respectful way.
Those are three solid story outcomes.
Fred Hicks that’s it, in a nutshell, you got it. It’s also what makes 7-9 more dangerous, because you’re functionally ignored or all you do is manage to not get noticed or you make yourself feel good but shit, now you’ve got an enemy.
And thus was born Deltron 3030 World.
Okay, after Fred Hicks ‘ explanation, I feel it a bit more.
Adam Koebel You should not be able to use this move unless you actually spit your wit.
Keep the +1. As Fred said, it fictionally significant.
(OK here I go again)
Stories (games or otherwise) are there to create emotional response. If they do not we get bored. The best prose in the world is boring without emotional triggers.
That said:
One should never underestimate the emotional value to the player if he gets a mechanical advantage like a +1. Watch your players as they play, players have an emotional response to it if they think they earned it. AND +1 Forward makes the next roll emotionally much more loaded: Will my advantage pay off or will I blow it in spite of it?
_Picture bloodbaths and elevator shafts Like these murderous rhymes tight from genuine craft_
On a 10+ choose 2; on a 7-9 choose 1.
– You are vicious on the mic.
– You are vicious on the turn-tables.
On a 10+, choose two. On a 7-9, choose one.
•You’re internationally known
•You get stoopid
•You get outrageous
Here’s a love letter I wrote a while back:
Dear Sucka MCs,
Hip-hop is introduced to the city of Dis 1,500 years in the future. You, however, have decided you can’t wait that long. As members of the gifted-but-inexperienced crew, An Immortal Ruckus [or insert your crew’s name here], you got tired of being straight-up destroyed by every mediocre MC in the year 4268 of the Sultana’s reign, so you’ve magically time-traveled 3,000 years in the past to “invent” hip-hop and become the undisputed Lordz of Dis.
Have your best MC roll+CHA to see how this has gone so far:
On a 10+, you have successfully cultivated a small but vibrant scene. Sure, the music isn’t quite what you had in mind, since it’s often a couple of fiddle players doing ragtime in the background while one of you beats out a rhythm on a cast-iron kettle, and your crowds are mostly ratmen and spiderfolk so far, but it’s a start, right? And this one spider, who calls herself The Most Loquacious Widow, would honestly be quite sick on the mic, if there were actual mics, and if you could prevent her from stopping to feed on audience members in the middle of her set.
On a 7-9, there’s not a scene exactly, but it hasn’t been a complete catastrophe. You’ve gotten a regular gig at a small, slime-covered bar near the old river and there’s a crowd of folks who you suspect are necromancers and diabolists who show up every Sultanasday to hear you spit. Afterwards, they come up and converse with you about “where the rhymes come from” and their connection with the dark arts, which is cool but also a bit creepy. Let me know if you’ve hooked up with any of the more attractive sorcerers yet.
On a 6-, come on, you think you were the only crew who’d thought of this idea? There’s a well-established cross-temporal guild known as the Elemental Guardians who make it their business to protect the “proper” (that is to say, temporally linear) development of hip-hop in the known planes. History and context, they claim, matter a lot in preserving the authenticity of the medium and its natural spread. While you appreciate their theoretical position, it’s hard to have a conversation when they’re hunting your asses down. Can you escape, or defeat them in an epic, magical rap battle across time, space, and the 63 boroughs of Dis?
Hugs and kisses,
Your GM
J. Walton I was trying to remember where I’d seen that love letter!
Alfred Rudzki I had to Google “Most Loquacious Widow” in order to find it
Necromancer of the Mic Arts
requires: Duel of the Iron Mic
When you pit your lyrical skills against those of another Mic Mage, roll +INT.
Add the following options to your list of outcomes:
– you spit hot fire! deal your damage and ignore armor.
– you resurrect a smoked and fallen friend.
– you gain mad respect, add a bond with someone present.
On a 12+
– you summon a crew of undead hype men, Mark XP and choose 2.
J. Walton now rap dat.
Wynand Louw I’m tempted. Let me see if I can make my Save vs. Def first…
J. Walton you save, but only mos-ly.
Nas save, duder!
whats a beef? peace of steak?
Loco Tomo this is beef ;D
Mos Def – Beef
While you’re counting calories, I Discern Realities
Seeing through your lies & unwrapping all your fallacies
Check one, check twice ‘fore you roll out the dice
Your CHA’s so low your flow’s slower than ice
Try to Parlay with me, better pray for some fives
Or sixes… [pause] your flow’s broke so I fixed it
I got a savvy head so I know what’s wrong with it
You ask “What’s about to happen?”
Just a whole lot of rappin’
A rapper hack-n-slasher come to give you what you asked fer
You might try to attack but I Defend and ask for passwords
Make your move, but you lack fictional positioning
Drop the groove, and I’ll tell you something interesting
dice drop
Rolls 12+
I’m lollin at your attempt, You’re trying to be exempt
from the consequence at hand, so pardon while I pre-empt
And explain my fictional flow, my verbal prose, and go
Too loco, medieval, straight berzerker on you bro.
Like barbarians in hordes, you’ll need a wall to block me
The keen edge of my swords, and you got 1d4 to stop me
So ix-nay on your Parlay, better make some vous Francais,
and raise your right hand, your white flag [pause] Are you listening?
You quivering quisling, you cower before my might
I got the battle bling, and my sword sings, and one other thing you’re missing
I dabble in classes [pause], so I know some extra shit, see?
I’ll Cast a Spell, Charm you to tell the world, that I’m your bestie
My sword can fight, with a Light, cast my Missile at the rest, PEACE!
This is getting bloody!
Epic Rap Battles of Dungeon World!
Portents are way too grim
For all you sucka GMs
I inflict harm as established
With my size-twelve Tims
[pause] Try to grin
But you fail to Hold Steady
Then trigger your Darkest Self
But, shit, you’re in it already
Gotta cross off all your Strings
But, hoss, you haven’t got any
Cuz I’m the bossest MC
And you’re just shredded confetti
[pause] Shoulda thought first
Before you messed with me
I been playing this game
Since it was Apocalypse D&D
Just open your brain
And I’ll commence with the spelling bee
Remember “I” before “E”
Except after “Catastrophe”
Namedropping the big D,
With your weak burns
Bringing shame to the game,
While we trade turns
Bring it old school?
Forgot one rule
I’m like Tomb of Horrors
Making Hard Moves.
Your Hero’s like Nero –
Fiddling while rome burns.
Marked-XP-so-bad, you hit level ten –
Before anyone even took turns
We dropping big-booms like big-doom,
Kneel down and repent:
Yo momma’s, a sign
Of an approaching threat
I reveal, she’s eaten
The ranger’s pet
She got this terrifying maw
Full on razor-tooth
Oooh! I just revealed
An unwelcome truth!
Now let me slide out the door,
‘Fore you dudes assume
That you’re legit,
With a real GM up in the room.
Adam Koebel you started this!