Hi all! This is my Ostheomancer, a Transmutator who focused on his own (and the others’) body.
What do you think about it?
Hi all! This is my Ostheomancer, a Transmutator who focused on his own (and the others’) body.
Hi all! This is my Ostheomancer, a Transmutator who focused on his own (and the others’) body.
What do you think about it?
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Seen stuff similar in other more modern Rpgs but it seems like this would just fit in some branch of necromancy in the study of life & death.
Might be something like this in some of the 3rd party mage/priest classes I’ve yet to look at.
Yeah it’s not new stuff, surely, but I didn’t find such a class in DW.
It doesn’t matter if it’s been done before, you’ve made it your own and you’re obviously proud of it. I think it’s creative and I can see a lot of potential
Duccio Mondanelli the excel list of Dw classes & compendium classes might have something close to this or make it a compendium class for existing priest/wizards.
Does it? I scanned it and there wasn’t anything related to self mutilation and modification. Yeah, there’s a necromancer, but it’s way different. This is actually more in the spirit of a “battlemage”, since lots of his power revolve on touching or using weapons (made of bones of course).
Anyway, if you find something that doesn’t really sound correct, or broken (either too much or too less powerful), let me know!
Spencer Shields well if I found out that I involountarily copied someone else’s work I’d be surprised.
Think about the Mage and the Wizard, similar but different takes
Kasper Brohus Allerslev
Yeah, I won’t lie, he was my main source of inspiration
PS: I changed a couple of things, mainly the 6- = 7/9 that I really didn’t like.
Aaaand I moved the CS, that link doesn’t work anymore.