hey. the last time i played dungeon world it struck me how perfect it was as a system to represent an adventure time type setting. light on rules and lots of fredom. anyway i felt creatinve and started makeing a compendium class with an adventure time theme but decided there was probubly enough to make a whole class. this is my frst stab. (i need to simplify it)
Hmm… That “last of your kind” is sort of a self-defeating background. Besides, no one in adventure time is actually the last of their kind.
Even though Finn is considered the last human, Simon is a human, Mo is a human, and… well, if you’ve seen any of this season, there is another noteworthy human.
And Jake has repeatedly mentioned that he has siblings, even if they have never been seen in the show.
Anyway, two very common concepts on the show are “Princess” and “Wizard” although I don’t know if they all need to be covered by the same class. It might be best to take the various characters in the show and try to categorize them into 3-4 classes rather than trying to cover everyone with a single class.
I think a big issue about trying to do adventure time using Dungeon World though is that well… fights are usually very easy in Adventure time and generally require no more than a single attack. The main draw of the world is the comedic aspects and that just isn’t going to work if you got many people at the table all trying to be funny, but at the same time tied to mechanics.
And the other nice aspects of the show are the randomness, the smoothly inserted cultural references, the surprisingly emotional stories and the ability to focus entire episodes on a single minor character.
Think of it this way… make a list of your 10 most favorite episodes and then try to construct them as adventures. I think you would find that the result would be that there would be strikingly few instances within them where a player could actually make a choice or would engage in a meaningful battle encounter. That most of it would just be the GM reading to the players what they are passively witnessing. How does one do “What was Missing”, “I Remember You”, “Sons of Mars” or “Lemon Hope” as group table-top adventures?
Adventure Time would be awesome in DW. But, I think there should be separate classes: The Princess, The Undead (vampire or ghost), The Adventurer, The Magic Animal, The Candy Person, The Mo, and/or anything else.
And, Andrew Ferris, I disagree. I think literally every episode I’ve seen can be done in DW. Ever since I started watching Adventure Time, I’ve thought that the writers come up with what they’re doing from playing a weird game of D&D. That being said, episodes like “I Remember You” and stuff might be difficult, but I imagine would play out as a scene from the past. “What was Missing” (my absolute favorite episode, btw) could start off easily as a high-intensity chase scene, followed by a door puzzle that has to be role played out to open. In DW, this could be literally that the players must resolve at least one bond per character to open the door.
i get the multiple classes idea. princesses, kings, vampires ect. but those are like… other playbooks which exist in other forms or are the kinds of characters that would be NPC’s. the heart of what i am going for is a class which would inject some adventure and a sense of family or deep friendship into a party. whatever the setting or campaign or group composition. this class should bring some heart into the party. and that is the spirit of adventure time. add the adventure bud to a warlock, theif, barbarian party and boom. it is less brutal and evil and more of a ragtag family that cares for each other… even if they dont agree all the time.
it isnt about ctualy rolplaying adventure time… but you could
PS- new version
This totally makes me want to make a DW alternate as if Ice King or Magic Man made a game about the world. While I wouldn’t necessarily want to roleplay as the characters in the show, I would love to play in Ooo with characters that could act in similar ways as the characters in the show.