Just received my copy of GrimWorld! Man, I’m so excited to dig into this and apply this stuff for my numenera campaign. I’ll have a write-up and review within the next week or so on my blog. schirduans.com.
This is easily one of the prettiest tabletop books I’ve ever laid eyes upon. The “dirty” weathered beatup style is gorgeous!

Thanks so much to Trenton Kennedy and Deanna Nygren
I wish print copies of this were still available for order.
You are quite welcome! =)
Ryan Abrams we hope to have a few extra books left over for order. We’ll let you know!
huh… Kobolds as a playable race. That’s kind of… neat.
Would feel better if every other race on that page wasn’t so face-palmingly ridiculous though.
andrew ferris I tend to be a fan of face-palmingly ridiculous races, or whatever my players feel like playing. However, to each his or her own.