Hey all,
So I’ve decided to try my hand at doing a play by post for Dungeon World. I’m looking for any number of players but no more than 5. If you are interested let me know here. We’d be playing on Google Docs for the actual play and using a private Google+ community for out of game discussions, announcements, etc.
I am interested. I have never played Dungeon World so might need help with character creation. I have been wanting to try play by post sometime. my e-mail is dragonslayer0429@gmail.com if you want to message me more about this game.
I welcome all skill levels. I’ll write up an email and send it out once I get a few more people interested (which knowing this community should only take a day)
Can I play
Sure thing Kyle. And I promise that if anything bad happens to Corvis it will not reflect on your character…much…
Haha can I join as well? O:-)
Corvis takes +8 ongoing.
I would love to get in on this if you’re still taking players.
In advance, dibs on being Kyle 1.
I’d be interested in playing.
Sure, I’ll just be Kyle.
… Well played.
Ok that’s enough people then.
Are we going to wait until emails/communities start to talk about class choices?
Yeah just give me a bit and I’ll have a community set up in no time
Just sent out invite for the private communities.
Bummed I missed this. If there’s a waiting list, put me on it, please.
/waiting list, please.