Hey, anyone willing to put up with a first-time GM for a one shot (or maybe a short campaign) within a couple hours? (Yesterday just didn’t work out)
Hey, anyone willing to put up with a first-time GM for a one shot (or maybe a short campaign) within a couple hours? (Yesterday just didn’t work out)
Hey, anyone willing to put up with a first-time GM for a one shot (or maybe a short campaign) within a couple hours? (Yesterday just didn’t work out)
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I’d love to help ya. I’m on PST if that works.
So am I. Let’s see if anyone else wants to join, and start in around 10 mins
Oh… I’m at work. I assumed you meant later.
Oh, my bad
What about this evening? I get home at 6pm PST (I’m in Vancouver) Or tomorrow I’m off all day so I can be more flexible.
I’m unavailable past 6
But tomorrow would work, how about at 2:00 PM?
2pm PST? I can do this.
Ok. If anyone else want’s to join, just comment
2pm would be around 9pm UK Time right?
2pm PDT is 7pm GMT
i’ll join
Cool. Let’s cap this at 5 players plus me
did it start yet?
i would join
2 PM? I think I can make that. Tomorrow right?
i thought you were playing right then it was 145 am …. cant make that sorry
Rob Cain Asher May Matthew Seagle Jack Kimball Starting in about 40 mins. If you want to make a character beforehand, you’re welcome to, else we’ll do it at the start of the game
Any restrictions on character creation?
Cool, I think i’ll wait till everyone is in the hangout so we don’t have overlapping classes
think we should keep to the base classes since its a first time gm?
Is there a word document online that I can use as a character sheet? I’d rather not use paper.
Yes, please
I haven’t been able to find any editable forms for character sheets besides printing it
they’re spreadsheets, and I think we can add them to the hangout
I don’t see druid listed in the link.
Ooh, it’s not. Just modify one of the other ones (you can copy/paste items from a PDF)
Honestly id rather just write mine down on a word doc in google drive that spreadsheet is just unappealing
Ok, I suppose that works too
You can still pre-create, and add the document
everyone ready? I can get this started
I’m here.
as am i
I’m here
I am around indeed
Am I suppose to be doing something? Or am I still suppose to be waiting?
you should of receives an invite
Rob, have you received my invite?
hey rob cain you should have an invite
I haven’t, no.
Sending one now
Still nothing here?
Hey, I won’t be able to make it today, maybe tomorrow, though
And I was about to put up an awkward “I can’t make it” post too xD
hey we playing today?
If y’all are able, I can in about 30 mins
Are you guys able?
why arnt u talking in the hangout chat zach?
Matthew Seagle We have a group hangout chat, can u please come chat? Or are you unavailable?
I’m back now.