Originally shared by T. Franzke
Satyr Fighter: When you are drunk or when using your horns to gore and something, you can Hack&Slash using CON
Satyr Bard: Whenever needed you can produce a bottle of intoxicating wine out of thin air, however it needs to be drank to the finish.
(can someone word that better?)
Satyr Cleric: Add glorious revelry to the petition of your religion.
Whenever needed, you can produce a bottle of intoxicating wine, as if from thin air. However, regardless of what else may happen, the bottle may not be left unfinished after it is first opened.
Or else…what?
No else
Narrative imperative
Things to make the thief use his 12+ moment of grace to slide through the fight to snag the bottle and chug it as he goes over the side of the roof with a rope and a prayer.