On behalf of the Collegium Arcana of Aetheron, the members of the Seven formally invite new recruits and adventurers to help save Aetheron from it’s downfall!
Greetings Tavernites!
Is anyone looking to join a fresh adventure of an ongoing DW PbP (play by post)?
We’re into our third adventure and short on players. Our GM just had a baby, so Gillian Wiseman has taken over as GM, but we’ve also lost a few players too recently and could use a few more.
We started out with 7 PCs that were, appropriately, members of the Seven, who were working for the Collegium Arcana of the floating island city of Aetheron. A set of powerful, magic crystals are needed to keep Aetheron afloat, but its supply has ran out, and we only managed to nab one in our last adventure.
With no more crystals in the world, our PCs have to travel to other planes of existence to find more crystals and save Aetheron from falling (literally).
Current PCs include an Ettin Wizard, an Elf (as in the class), a Human Druid, and either our existing, Human Thief / Planeswalker (the CC is being worked on atm) or a brand new class / Planeswalker.
There’s room available for 3 more PCs – first come, first play!
The PbP site we’re playing the game on is http://www.gotexp.com/
Forum registration is 100% free. If anyone is interested, either comment here or send a PM to me or Richard Robertson.
I might be interested, but I like to see past games when it comes to PbP, rather than commit only to find myself not really feeling the groove after a couple of scenes. Would that be possible?
I’m also down for a PbP.
Kaillan Reukers Yeah, certainly!
First off, here’s an info sheet of summarized notes about the game we’ve collected so far:
And if you go onto GotEXP and register, you can browse through the first two sessions and have a read-through.
Our GM’s looking to start the third adventure by Monday, but if there’s still room and more PCs join up a little after, that should be OK too.
Damian Jankowski Awesome! Same thing, just go on GotEXP, register, let me know what username you choose, and I’ll add you to the game group.
Sure, registered a few minutes ago. Name: Lemoncakestick.
I haven’t done a DW play-by-post before but I would definitely be interested in trying it out! I just registered on the forums as MagnesiumB
Great! I added you to the game group, so look up Aetheron on there and please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Question: how are the turnaround times in PbP games? How is the pacing?
We seem to vary a lot; sometimes 2-3 posts a week, sometimes 2-3 a day. I will try to respond at least once per day as DM. Nobody is committed to more than that, and we have a couple players who only check in every other day or so, depending on work schedules and life and such…
Anyone who is interested and has registered in the forums, please go ahead and post your character ideas; don’t worry too much about “overlap”; we can iron things out as we go.
My account is not active.
Sorry about that – I have no clue why that happened, since you were perfectly active yesterday. It should be fine now.
Mmhh. Interesting. Frankly, I am sometimes a bit.. impatient, which is why I normally try to stay clear of PbPs
But if no one else shows up to fill the spot(s), I’ll give it a shot and see how it goes.
Yeah, give it a try.
Alrighty. I registered as Manny; not 100% sure where to go from there. I only see a general forum where I wasn’t quite sure what I should read.
Sorry, mAjor typo. In the forum, scroll down to the section called apocalypse engine games. From there, look for DW and then Aetheron. Read the backgrounds, and then the story section.
Hmm. Where would that be? This is all I can see after logging in:
What happens when you hit the board index button?
Also, let me go find a link.
It states that “You are not authorised to read this forum.” (when I use your link)
It should work now. I wasn’t around yesterday and asked my admin to take care of a few permissions; but they might’ve missed a few.
I really need to get the initial registration thing sorted out. It’s a bit funky at the moment; I’ll take care of it when I actually get a chance – in the mean time, you should see the forums now.
Indeed I do. Thank you, handsome gentleman. I shall proceed once I get home.