Really new to DW but couldn’t resist immediately starting to work on some classes I desperately wanted in the game. Still looking to basically convert Gunslinger and Magus from Pathfinder but had to start with my favorite, the Alchemist! I only have Advanced Moves for 2-6 so far because I wanted to put this out for feedback to see if anything in its basic moves changes before I get too ahead of myself…feedback appreciated!
Really new to DW but couldn’t resist immediately starting to work on some classes I desperately wanted in the game.
Really new to DW but couldn’t resist immediately starting to work on some classes I desperately wanted in the game.
Oh, also, is there an editable playbook floating around out there somewhere or are people using some elite design magic when they make homebrew class playbooks?
Looks awesome! I wrote an Alchemist for Pirate World: it has a fairly different focus though (much more on fiction than mechanics) , you can find a preview here:
Feel free to crib from it if there’s moves you like
And there’s a draft playbook for Word, OpenOffice and Inkscape around somewhere. Don’t have the link on my phone, sorry!
Thanks for sharing the link, James! Yeah…I am slightly unsatisfied with how much this draft emphasizes pure mechanical crunchiness. I really like how you’ve handled the same concept.
Mechanical handling seems to be a common pitfall when new to DW. It’s the first port of call in many other systems, and most of us started with those. You’ll find it easier as you gain XP and carouse in the DW Tavern.
Honestly, I think you are on the right track,Benjamin Huffman. There are a lot of little +1’s here and there, you’ll want to get that under control and find ways to do fiction first… but don’t chastise yourself too much! Plenty of the core classes have simple bonuses for moves (look at the fighter’s advanced moves, for instance).
James Hawthorne I want to buy Pirate World. I am throwing dollars at the screen, but nothing is happening. Help. These previews look really great.
Mike Wice I’m talking to James Hawthorne about setting up a late backers’ page (I’m Pirate World’s editor) so we might have something to offer soon!
Playbook templates in word and OO. Third time in two days I am posting the link, is there a files section in the group?
Late backer page up soon, Mike! Hopefully Saturday
James Hawthorne Burk Diggler any link for late backers yet? Just curious!
Mike Wice Not yet, we have been talking about it if that’s any consolation! We’ll make a post in the Tavern here when it’s ready.